Sunday, November 8, 2015

One Year For Claire

My little love!  Can't believe it's been one year since I met your sweet, kissable face!  You have become such a fun little girl -- full of personality, full of love.  You enjoy giving kisses to anyone, animals and people alike.  You play so well independently.  Often times, if it's quiet during your independent play time, I will find you on the floor looking at books and many times, talking and pointing to the characters.  You also love to play with your sister, and in the past few months, you two have become quite the playmates...playing together in the playroom by yourselves is something you both now enjoy.  You are a funny little one who likes to make us laugh by doing silly (and many times, messy) things!  You are easy to laugh and smile, and you love being around people!

Claire Bear stats at 12 months:

Weight: 22 pounds (78% tile)
Length: 29 inches (34% tile)

Other updates...

Walking: She nailed this right at 12.5 months.  One Monday she was taking 2 to 3 steps and by Wednesday, she was walking all over the place like she had been doing it for months.  She is gaining confidence every day and starting to get more adventurous with steps, inclines and climbing.

Talking: She still has a lot to say, but now we're able to make out real words here and there.  Mama, Dada, AaaAAA (Avery), up, hi, uh oh, cheese (cheeeesssssse), balloon (ba-on), touch it (tutchit), all done (a DUN) and Emma (a sweet girl who lives in our neighborhood and who Claire adores) come out of her mouth often.  She learned the word balloon during the birthday month when we seemed to have endless balloons in the house.  

Some of her likes:  Playing outside, picking flowers, playing with (and trying to eat) bark mulch, chase, reading, songs and dancing, feeding herself, giving high fives and kisses, and walking.

Some dislikes: Driving in the car (unless we blast nursery rhymes), being confined or cramped in any way (can someone have claustrophobia this young?!), when we take her away from anything she is loving at the time (rummaging through unlocked cabinets wanting to throw our dinner plates on the ground, for example), when Avery can't or doesn't want to play with her (and Claire reacts by hitting Avery and/or pulling her hair -- we are working on this  :) ).  Ha!  Definitely full of personality.

Our Claire!


Chubby baby legs.  Yum!  Avery is on the left, Claire is on the right.

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