Below are some pictures and a video from the school's Holiday Happenings performance in December. It was one of the cutest things I have ever seen. Essentially, the kids from each class went caroling to each classroom (the parents stayed put in their child's respective classroom). We saw performances from the littlest kids in the pre-preschool class (two year olds and it was pretty much the teachers singing the song while the kids stared blankly at our room full of admiring adults) to the kindergarten class where they seemed like theatrical veterans.
As those of you who know Avery know, she can be shy and sensitive at times and outgoing and entertainment-driven at the others. The Holiday Happenings night was an "on" night for Avery and pretty much her breakout performance, to say the least. Everyone got a kick out of our little girl and her impromptu dance moves during the song had us in stitches!
Oh, hi, Mom and Dad! |
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This was taken during the song lyrics "ring your bells fast." Avery nailed it. |
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Avery stopped singing at one point and started doing her own moves with dance faces. |
After the performance Avery and her teacher wanted to keep the excitement going and had their own dance party!
Avery calmed down enough before we left to take a picture with her other teacher.
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This picture is great on so many levels, but check out the blurry photo bomber in the forefront...probably ringing his bell fast. |
Another cool part of Avery's preschool...Friend of the Week. Each student gets one week of the school year when they are extra special. From being first in line (big deal when you're a kid...remember?!) to having your family come in for special appearances, being the Friend of the Week is like being a rock star. My parents, Jeff parents and Jeff and I participated that week.
On Tuesday morning my parents brought in photos, fun stories and delicious strawberries to share with the kids from my Dad's garden. Avery goes there with him often to work on her green thumb and spend special time with her Papa.
Jeff and I went in later in the day on Tuesday and participated in the class's music time. It was awesome and a highlight was signing and dancing to Macarena. Yes, Macarena. The kids loved it! I loved it!
Jeff's parents went on Thursday to share some homemade treats (made by GramCin and Avery on Wednesday) and a play-story...all themed "snowman." Check it out. Oh, and check out how serious and proud Avery was. She was so into the performance and took it all to heart that she was performing and showing off her grandparents to the class.
And, if you didn't already notice it, Avery's poster board is in the blue bulletin behind her and GramCin. We made it together the weekend before and it included cool about-Avery info and tons of pictures of her friends and family.
During the week, Avery kept making up songs about being Friend of the Week and how excited she was. The songs were clever and adorable, and it was nice to think back to them the following week when I had to tell her that no, she wasn't Friend of the Week matter how many times she asked.
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Our neighborhood is where little girls go to become princesses. |
Love her! She would stop singing to do her own dance faces and moves! Avery is such a ham. :)