Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Olympics, Look What You Have Done!

You can blame the Olympics for the lack of posting lately.  I am completely, utterly, obsessively enthralled with each and every event this glorious worldly game has to offer.  Obvious loves include: gymnastics, track and field, diving, volleyball and swimming.  But, yes, that was me on my couch glued to the TV last weekend watching trampoline.  Do you see how high they go?!  Spec...wait for it...tacular.

Anyways, after my Vegas trip this weekend (yes, I'm pulling out the Vegas card for the second time in my life) I will post about the past month of activities, which includes the family visit and summer fun, but most importantly, the updates on the wee little one who sleeps in the room down the hall.

Until next week!


A cozy, warm bed makes for a cozy, warm Avery.


  1. That beach volleyball final...I just cried! So good! And looking at that picture of Avery is making me sweat right now with how warm it is but I still can't deny the cuteness! PS one more day...VEGAS!!!!

  2. I may have been keeping up with my blog posting during the Olympics, but it is a darn good thing they only come once every 4 years because I cannot continue to function on this sleep deprivation! Sending you guys big hugs and kisses. That Avery is one amazingly adorable child!!!!
