Monday, August 13, 2012

This and That of July

I'm baaaaa-acccck!

Below is a photo recap of our recent activities.  The first event to highlight is a visit with some of our family from Rhode Island.  To get you in the mood, please listen closely to the video below and note the out-of-this-world East Coast accent that I have known and loved since childhood, and miss dearly being in California:

The woman with the voice and "Baby Helen"
Avery and Helen taking turns pushing each other on the swing...
We love our nieces to pieces!
Papa and his girls
I love my grandma's expression in this one - pure happiness.
Four generations!
Auntie Mare lovin' life on the San Diego Bay
My parents love to sail...I love to sail.  I do not, however, like sharing the water with ginormous boats.

I'll add some more pictures when I get them from my other family members - these were just mine taken from my little ole iPhone.  Hey, it does the job, right?!

Here are some more recent shots...

Jeff and Avery filling the bucket with rocks, leaves and sand.  We have a little nature lover on our hands...and Avery enjoys it too.
Avery loves inclines.  Avery loves nature.  Avery loves going up and down the trail until we have blisters.
My turn; and hike #19,876
Charging through the trail with the gusto of an avid adventurer...
:: heart melts ::
Family BBQ at Jeff's parents.

Love these two!
The tie for the "Best Expression" award.

Forget swimming - I see a camera!
USA summer Olympics diver in 16 years!

Micheal Phelps, Michael Smelps.  This is a gold medal dive in the pool.

A big shout out to Uncle Fred who once again has taken wonderful pictures to capture the special day!  We love you!  And, another shout out to Cousin Jenna and Cousin Ryan as they start their next journey in New York, New York.  We're going to miss you so much!!


"This is the coolest mirror EVER!!"

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Olympics, Look What You Have Done!

You can blame the Olympics for the lack of posting lately.  I am completely, utterly, obsessively enthralled with each and every event this glorious worldly game has to offer.  Obvious loves include: gymnastics, track and field, diving, volleyball and swimming.  But, yes, that was me on my couch glued to the TV last weekend watching trampoline.  Do you see how high they go?!  Spec...wait for it...tacular.

Anyways, after my Vegas trip this weekend (yes, I'm pulling out the Vegas card for the second time in my life) I will post about the past month of activities, which includes the family visit and summer fun, but most importantly, the updates on the wee little one who sleeps in the room down the hall.

Until next week!


A cozy, warm bed makes for a cozy, warm Avery.