She's here!!
Helen was born on Monday, January 30th at 9: 30 a.m. She weighed in at 7lbs 14 oz and was 19.75 inches. She is happy, healthy and absolutely beautiful. Michel did wonderfully and is proving to be a natural and loving mother. Brennan is a hands-on dad and loving every moment being with his daughter. They are easing into parenthood smoother than anyone I have ever met and I think it helps that Helen is a great eater
and sleeper already. The three of them fit together perfectly and seeing them as a family unit melts my heart. {tear...}
Avery loves her cousin...calls her "baby" and gives her gentle pats and toe squeezes, but since Helen can't quite play yet Avery is ready to move on to something else once all of the "look how cute" yelps from onlookers dissipate. The age gap will slowly begin to disappear and by the end of this year I think they'll be playing together like I did with my cousins growing up. Great memories for all of us!
Here are a few recent snapshots:
Daddy and Daughter |
Helen, Alistair (Helen's cousin on her other side) and Avery. Too many funny things in the picture to mention... |
All of the kids at Alistair's 3rd birthday party...this was prior to Avery's outfit mishap... |
The Simpson family with the party's dragon dancers. What entertainment! |
Papa cuddling with his two granddaughters and loving it! |
Helen, I love you so much already and can't wait to see you grow up. You have a huge family that will love you unconditionally and your parents are two of the best people I know. Avery is already planning sleepovers and can't wait to show you the ropes. From all of us, welcome to the family, Helen. Get your party pants on - it's going to be one hell of a ride!!
I told Avery to do something artsy. This is her interpretation. Just when I think I couldn't love her any more... |
Helen is SOOOOOO lucky to have been born into your family! Congrats, Aunt Stephanie!
ReplyDeletePS That tushie picture is amazing. Hello, future blackmail!!!