Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Milestones, Baby. Milestones!

As those of you with children know, babies change and grow so much during the first few months.  I am amazed every day at the things Avery does that show me she's learning and entering new stages of development.

I am an emotional person and find it hard to curb my excitement when my daughter reaches new milestones.  Yes, I did cry the first time she socially smiled and yes, I did frighten the crap out of her when I yelled with joy and clapped my hands when she first starting batting at toys.  And, yes, I immediately called Jeff and my mom the first time Avery was awake in a stroller while I was shopping and not screaming bloody murder.   (I consider crying less a HUGE milestone!)

Milestone #1 - Smiling!

Milestone #2 - Batting at Toys

Milestone #3 - Not Crying When in Stroller

(Okay, so I don't have a picture of Avery in a stroller not crying and well, this one was just too funny not to include in the post.  If you can't laugh at your own kid, who can?!)

Speaking of laughing, I have decided to add a funny picture of Avery at the end of each post.  This girl has so many facial expressions and I have been lucky enough to catch quite a few on camera.  So, to start the tradition...

It's nice to know my daughter is a bad-ass.  
And this picture can serve as evidence that those "Bodyguard for Mommy" classes are paying off.

1 comment:

  1. She looks like she can kick some serious butt! I love it!
