Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Conversations with Claire

Now that Claire is becoming more and more verbal, it's fun to chat with her and explore new words and check in on what she knows.  Below are some videos of Miss Talkative...

When discussing the weather and other things "outside," Claire can pick from a variety of words to say.  Here she chose, "bubble," which is her favorite outside activity.

Her most used word to date is "hi."  She says this warm, heartfelt greeting to everyone.  EVERYONE.  Nice lady going up the escalator as we are going down the other side.  Older man at the Botanic Gardens watching his grandson playing.  Sweet little boy sitting next to us at our Christmas Eve service.  It usually accompanies a wave.  And, this greeting is typically repeated a few times, many times done so as she moves closer (and closer) to her new friend.  To say that Claire is friendly and interested in people would be quite accurate!  I don't have a video of her saying hi to a new friend, so this video of me encouraging her to say hi to herself via my phone will have to suffice.

Teaching Claire new words is always fun.  She was walking around the other day saying something that sounded like "popcorn," so I decided to practice this word with her over lunch.  (We love popcorn in this house and have made it a lot lately, so I'm not surprised if this is where she got it from.  However, I also wouldn't be surprised if she was just throwing a bunch of sounds together and I wanted them to be "popcorn."  It's one of my favorite snacks and if it made it onto the list of Claire's first 30 words, that would be incredible.  Here goes nothin'.)

As I said before, Claire is quite verbal.  She can say over 20 words...many of these are clear enough to understand even if you're not her adoring and prideful parents.  Avery was actually very verbal, but Claire may have her beat in this category.  We'll have to see if this Chatty Cathy stays a Chatty Cathy.  Speaking of our Chatty Cathy, the below video showcases Claire throwing her real words out the window as she retells an apparently fascinating tale to me.

In other news, Claire loves slides.  Claire loves slides like Avery (still) loves swings.


I sent Jeff this video and he thought it was great.  Then, he teased me that I was singing the words wrong.  If I had a nickel for every time I sang lyrics incorrect, I would have enough money to buy an island.

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Letter to Santa

If this letter to Santa doesn't have Avery written all over it, I don't know what does.  What was intended to be a letter to Santa asking for what she wants for Christmas ended up pretty much being a letter of interrogation.  And, you can bet she already has a long Elsa dress and more high heels than me (but clearly, more of each is only necessary).

Boy, Avery, you make me laugh!

(Avery's 3rd grade "buddy," Paige, wrote this letter for Avery verbatim.  I can only imagine Paige's face as Avery was rattling off all the questions in her mind!)


Get in my belly!