C Bear, The Bear, Bear, C, Claire Bear and Clairemont are all of Claire's nicknames. Come on - how fun are nicknames?! Another new nickname was recently created by my Mom and Dad...Eclair. Like the creamy, sweet dessert...because Claire is creamy white, sweet...and well, a
Avery and Claire love sitting together. Avery can now multitask watching TV and playing with Claire. I'm proud...I think. |
Teeth: Her bottom two teeth are here. The second one popped through three days after the first one.
Sitting Up: Pretty much mastered this skill the past week. I still stay very close and surround her with pillows, but she can brace herself when she starts to topple and can play with toys in this new fun position!
Talking: ...and screeching and yelling. She LOVES playing with her voice!
Smiles: She is a very happy baby and her smiles light up the room!
Stranger Danger: I don't want to jinx myself, but her stranger danger awareness has almost completely subsided. Not entirely, mind you, but enough that other people can hold her and I can confidently leave her in childcare when I work out. Yay! Who knows what it was that got the best of her with other people for a month or so...maybe teething and knowing that I could soothe her best? Only she knows for sure!
Sleep: Ehhhhh. As Ryan Reynolds said about his daughter recently, "it's like she's allergic to sleep." Couldn't agree more, Ryan. Her 30 minute naps during the day are easy and consistent, but I won't push away the longer stretches when they start to appear (assuming they will!). Her nighttime sleep is all over the map. Some nights her first stretch will be 4 hours, some nights it will be 6. Usually from there on out, she's up every 3. So yes, I'm up 2 - 3 times a night. We have those rare nights when it's once a night, but I have learned to not get excited about those. Thank goodness she's cute!
Avery: She loves Avery so much. Her smile appears and her eyes are glued to her when she does just about anything. It's one of the most special things about having two kids - watching their bond. I could just melt! (I try to sneak attack videos of them whenever possible!)
Claire is such a joy. We all love her to the moon and back a million times over!
Practicing her modeling poses. |