Working on her laughing skills...
We have since gotten Claire to do a real laugh, but have yet to catch it on video. It's really cute, but in order to get her to laugh, we are making complete fools of ourselves. Oh, the things parents do to get a laugh!
Finding her voice!
Chewing on her hand...(note the background conversation between Jeff and Avery, as well as Belle's quick appearance- love my family! Ha!).
Claire is now three months old! This picture made me laugh, so we're going with it for her "three month" photo with Avery. Avery is doing a fake smile and Claire is screaming. My girls!
I forgot to do a two month photo blog. But, we are not really surprised, are we? I have been behind on blogging, but have hopes of catching up someday. wink
Two month photo and stats...better late than never?!
As of Claire's two month appointment back in December (!), she was 23 1/2 inches (89%) and 12lbs 4oz (72%).
She has also started batting at toys and loving headbands. Okay, that last one is a stretch. While she doesn't mind wearing them, they're not practical to wear often at this age save for a few photos or a quick show off of her entire ensemble.
Claire continues to be an awesome kid. She is sweet, calm and loves to smile. Her new thing is to interrupt a feeding to lovingly interact. She will literally pull away, look up at me and starting cooing and smiling. OMG. Love!
Cheeks. |
Okay, so Jeff and I were debating on whether or not to include this video on the blog. It's absolutely hilarious and we decided that the majority of blog readers would get a complete kick of it.
Background story...I was upstairs showering this past weekend while Jeff had the girls downstairs. I texted him when I got out of the shower asking how the girls were. He sent me this video and said "eating her hand and pooping." Just watch... and listen.