Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Dancing Queen

When a friend of mine told me about a ballet barre she saw in a little girl’s room and suggested Avery might like one I became totally obsessed.  I loved dancing as a kid.  Who am I kidding?!  I still love dancing!  Put on a good song and I will bring down the house!  Of all the things I pass down to Avery, I hope a love for dancing is one of them.  Even if she doesn’t want to continue dance classes (but, she BETTER – just kidding…), I hope she loves throwing down some dance moves and feels comfortable letting loose on the dance floor.
So…for Avery’s 3rd birthday, my Dad, Jeff and I made part of Avery’s room a dance studio!  The construction took place while Avery was at preschool on her actual birthday… undercover construction, if you will.  Needless to say, she loves it and I practice we practice our dance routines in front of the mirror daily.  Thank you for the idea, PK DiNino!  Only pictures can do this justice!

The "before" picture...

Their attempt at ballet moves.  Spot on, guys.

The "after" picture!

While I’m on this dancing kick, I must continue with pictures (and video) of Avery’s first dance class!!  She did so well and despite being the littlest one in class, showed her confidence and mad skills.  I am one proud momma!  

Dancer's 'tude.

The following two videos were taken during the "free dance" or "improve" portion of class.  


Since my Dad did an over-the-top, outstanding job helping Jeff and I with the ballet barre (and really was the brains behind all the technical, engineering stuff), I have to use the picture below for FPT this go around.  If any of you know my Dad, you'll get a kick out of it and probably already saw it on Facebook.

The day your Dad comments on Facebook about the Kayne / Kim engagement.  

Sunday, October 20, 2013

When It's Fall...

The below "fall interview" took place at Avery's preschool last week.  I love that they document the kiddos' little minds, too.

When It's Fall...
by Avery Simpson

I see..."boys."
I hear..."birds singing."
I smell..."pumpkins."
I taste..."chocolate."
I feel..."like pumpkins."
My favorite part about fall is..."circles."


The picture above is going to suffice as FPT, because...well, because it can't get funnier than "my favorite part about fall is CIRCLES."  ?!?!  Hahahahaha!

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Lots of Things...

Yards and birthdays and babies, oh my!  Dentists and dancing and anniversaries, oh my! 

Too much?

Our yard is still 99% done.  We had to order special paint (“fog” is the correct term?!) for our courtyard wall from the builder, so we’ve been idle for a little while.  Hope to be done by this weekend.  Pictures forthcoming, but in the meantime, here are some teasers…

We frequently see some awesome sunsets...and some awesome Avery poses.  

Front courtyard...and Avery about to "BOO" one of our neighbors.

Avery’s 3rd birthday party!
Grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins came over to celebrate Avery’s 3rd birthday and what a celebration it was!  Avery loved having everyone over to her house to play and help her eat cake!  Running around with cousin Helen and Uncle Brennan was a highlight.  At one point, Bren and the girls were in Avery’s room upstairs and a few of us downstairs heard screaming that sounded like one (or more) of them got hurt.  I ran upstairs and opened the door to find all three of them hysterically laughing.  Ha!

Avery wore her Minnie dress all day.  The Goad family bought it for her for her birthday.  They nailed it!

Ryan Goad
On September 1, 2013 the Goad family welcomed a beautiful baby boy, Ryan Michael Goad.  We’ve met him a few times, but have failed to take any pictures.  Come on!  However, I have held him and he is the sweetest little baby in the world!  Quinn is a great big sister and their family of four is just perfection.  In lieu of a picture of Ryan, here is a picture of Quinn and Avery watching a Disney movie (before Avery got frightened and decided that Curious George is more up her alley)…

Dentist time! 
Avery went to the dentist for the first time recently and did outstanding!  Before the hygienist could tell Avery where to sit and how the visit was going to go, she climbed in the chair and got comfy.  The hygienist was amazing with Avery... explained everything, let her play and investigate all of the tools, etc.  What a great visit…and yup, Avery got a clean bill of teeth health!

Happy SIX years to us!!

Love. Of. My. Life!

We've covered most of the "things" mentioned in the intro to this post, but will detail the "dancing" thing very soon.  Start getting excited.

Keep those boxes coming - we're going to make a mansion!

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

She's Three!

On my way to bed last night I went into Avery’s bedroom to kiss her goodnight.  I looked at her sleeping and saw something that surprised me.  I saw a little girl.  

I won’t laden this post with clichés about growing up, time flying, etc… (though tempting, because every one of them could easily apply)… instead, I am going to write a short note to my birthday girl and share her yearly “love” pictures.

Avery, you are incredibly clever and smart, and the things that come out of your mouth consistently wow me.  When you are comfortable in your environment and the people around you, your sense of humor, intelligence and nurturing nature are mesmerizing.  You can be reserved and cautious when you’re unsure or unfamiliar with your surroundings and that shows a sweet, innocent side of your personality.  Your honesty, confidence and desire for quality time with those you love are wonderful traits and it will be my effort to keep those strong within you throughout your life.  You crack me up on a daily basis and I like to remember those laughs when we are going through one of your "over-confident" or "Avery knows best" days (aka - hair pulling / hair graying days for me!).  Ahhh, the joys and frustrations of raising a human, but... I wouldn’t trade it for ANYTHING, because you're my EVERYTHING!  I love you, bushk!

I have a list of blog posts to write including, our yard progress (99% done!), Avery’s birthday party (such fun!), the new Goad addition (baby Ryan!) and Avery’s first trip to the dentist (the opposite of cryin’).  Soon enough, dear friends, soon enough.


They really do grow up before your eyes.
(Couldn't resist all the cliches!)