Sunday, September 22, 2013

Happiest Place on Earth

Jeff and I took Avery to Disneyland this past Friday for her third birthday.  (She turns three on Tuesday.  Three?  THREE!!)

What a wonderful trip it was!  I knew it was going to be a great day when we first entered the park and spotted Goofy in the "town square."  Avery's reaction to seeing Goofy was priceless in all sense of the word.  She looked at him in complete awe, got teary eyed with joy and then smiled a sweet, innocent smile.  Her reaction almost made me cry!  She knows the Disney characters really well through books and Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, but seeing them live, in person was something she couldn't fathom or understand until we were there staring at these amazing characters from a few feet away.  

During this trip we learned that Avery loves roller coasters, but will pass on the "inside" rides.  You know, those rides where you sit in a little car, go in a dark building and watch fake, brightly colored and creepily told stories come to life.  In all honesty, they kind of freak me out, too!

Showing off her new Disneyland dress.  It's green and long (aka - it's perfect).

Can't even contain her excitement!
In line for Tea Cups - her very first ride at Disneyland.  Observing, processing and taking it all in.
Patiently listening to Jeff's Tea Cup instructions. 
The ride starts and she realizes this is pretty fun stuff.
Oh, yeah - it's fun!

Meeting Minnie.  Could hardly take her eyes off her!

We got her attention, folks!
Minnie's house was a favorite - for Avery and me!
Best tour guide in the whole park.  And, fancy, too!  Look at that jewelry!
After an afternoon rest at the hotel, back to Disneyland we go!
Balloons, the castle and a great view above the crowds.
Just her size.
Taken after the awesome parade.  Man, I wish this wasn't blurry.  She was posing and hamming it up - absolutely hyped off the parade vibe!
Big smiles and cotton candy at the end of the wonderful day - perfection!
The Happiest Place on Earth, indeed!

Came across this gem as I was perusing our phones tonight for some blog pictures.  No caption needed for this perfectly FPT photo.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Conversations with Avery...

Overheard between Avery and Jeff Sunday night:

Avery:  When is Santa coming to town?
Jeff:  Not for a while.  Do you want to see him again this year and tell him what you want for Christmas?
Avery:  Well, no, cause I don’t want to sit in his lap.  But, I’ll sit in Mommy’s lap and I can talk to him from there.

A conversation between Avery and my Mom a few months ago (she said it was really sweet and totally cracked her up): 

Avery:  Danda, where’s your Daddy?
Danda:  He lives in Heaven with my Mommy and Jesus.
Avery:  I know Jesus!  
Danda:  You do?!
Avery:  Yes, he's in my books at home!  (We love If Jesus Lived Inside My Heart and Jesus Loves Me!. Both are absolutely adorable and age appropriate.)

FVT (Dancing with the big girls and rocking it - she's the tiny one in the front of the group in the pink dress)