Sunday, June 30, 2013

Interviews with Avery

I will now be posting not only humorous and endearing conversations that Jeff and I have with Avery, but also occasional "interviews" we do with her.  I have read a few mommy/family blogs where they encourage parents to interview their children - you know, ask them questions and let them answer how they want, in their own words.  All I have to say is that I should have done this sooner!

The following interview took place in the car last weekend on the way to Papa and Danda's house.  Quite the informal setting - no better way to start the interview process, right?  (I asked the questions and drove while Jeff sat shotgun and transcribed the interview.)

Question 1:  What is the one thing in life that makes you the happiest?
Avery's Answer:  My DD.  (Her DD is her pacifier.  YES, we still allow her to use it...occasionally at naps and at most bedtimes...oh, and when she is sick.  Sue me.  She likes it and we pick our battles in this house and the DD has not been called to the fight yet.)

Question 2: What is your favorite food?
Avery's Answer: Grapes...and, COOKIES!

Question 3: What do you want to be when you grow up?
Avery's Answer: A ladybug.

Question 4: Who is your best friend?
Avery's Answer: Caden!  (Caden is an adorable little guy a few years older than Avery who lives a couple houses down in the culdesac.  Avery has quite the crush on him, which explains the answer.)


At first glance it may be hard to tell where Avery is, but she's in there.  I'm sure of it.

Friday, June 21, 2013

Conversations with Avery...

On our neighborhood walk last weekend…

Avery: I just saw a lizard!
Jeff: Really. Where’d it go?
Avery: Over there! ::points to a bush::
Jeff: So cool.
Avery: Eww. Yeah.

A few minutes later...

Avery: Can we play “I Spy?”
Me: Sure. You want to go first?
Avery: I spy with my little eyes something lizard.


Another conversation from last weekend...

Avery: I want a banana.
Me: What do you say?
Avery: Puuuhhhhllllleeeezzzzeee (as dramatic as it reads)
Me: Thank you.
::peel the banana and hand to Avery::
Avery: I don’t want a banana.
Me: ::OMG:: You just asked for one.
Avery: I don’t want a banana.
Me: Okay, you are going to have to eat it soon, because you asked for it and I opened it. We don’t want to waste food.
Avery: I don’t want a banana.


Life with a 2.5-year old.  Frustrating - at times.  Funny - always. 

Monday, June 3, 2013

Passed Down From Papa...

Avery has always been interested in how things work. She loves to take things apart and put them back together again. She loves to play with things with lots of separate parts that she can investigate. A new favorite activity is taking the battery compartment off the back of the TV remotes (or anything with batteries for that matter), peeking around inside and putting the compartment lid back on.  Over and over.  Fun, no?

Recently, we bought a new kitchen dining table and to save the delivery and “put it together for you” charge we opted to put the thing together ourselves. By that, I mean Jeff put it together with the capable hands of Avery. Talk about a kid focused on something! She was down and dirty getting the bolts together (“there’s the bolt and then the ring thing that goes on the bolt” said me who is obviously not so mechanically oriented) and putting them in the right spot for Jeff to screw them in. We didn’t finish the table in one night, because it got late since Jeff was taking his time working with our mini Bob Vila, so at bedtime we promised Avery we’d finish it with her the next day. I’ve never seen her fall asleep so fast!

So the title to this post? Avery’s passion for the mechanical things in life comes 100% from my Dad who was a mechanical engineer for over 30 years. This interest of hers is really cute and I’m thankful something so wonderful and unique has gotten passed down to her.


Even the most serious builders get silly every so often.