Monday, December 31, 2012

'Tis the Season

You can't forget one of the more crucial steps in Christmas preparations...lights!

We were fortunate enough to see Griswaldy lights twice this year.  The first time was up in Tustin in Auntie Moosh, Uncle Brennan and Cousin Helen's neighborhood.  What a special evening this was!

Avery and Auntie Moosh making dinner
Now that her pants are on, it's time to go see the lights.
Papa pulls the way!
Mesmerized by the lights...the many, many lights.
Christmas Vacation (aka - Griswald) house.
Ha!  Look at those faces.  Loving all action!
Merry Christmas!
Why, Merry Christmas again!

The next light adventure was with the Goad, Kull and Vanderveen group.  Love these guys! (Note: all the credit for these pictures is owed to Amanda.  My iPhone has zero room for pictures and we have yet to invest in a camera.  Gah!)

Miss Audrey Vanderveen - cute as a bug in a rug.

Avery and Quinn... excited much?!

This is a great photo.  How can you not smile looking at it?
Avery's new love - trains!
Cheers to more fun with this group in 2013!

What a trooper.

Friday, December 21, 2012

Christmas Preparations

Christmas Preparation - Step 1: Meet Santa.

Thankfully, Santa made a special stop in San Elijo Hills last weekend to meet all the little girls and boys, so we hopped down the street for a visit.  I liked this Santa.  Quality man who I literally think was Santa.  And, he gave out cool Christmas straws to the kids. 

Note: the kid in front of Avery freaked out.  Big time.  Poor kid was hysterical and his parents kept throwing him back on Santa's lap.  Just to get one picture?  Come on, people!  So anyways, that freaked Avery out.  She gave Santa a high five, but preferred Jeff and I to sit with her during her Santa picture.  We just got finished with a run, so we were sweaty and wearing way too much black to ever be "bright and cheery" for this type of picture, but it's cool.  Santa doesn't judge.

Oh yeah, "baby" sat with us.  Oh yeah, Avery was still a little too freaked to smile.

Christmas Preparation - Step 2: Go to a tree lighting and/or parade. 

We met up with some friends for the Encinitas tree lighting and parade.  Super fun and "Christmasy," and we'll be doing it for years to come.

Best seat in the house.
All the kiddos plus a few of the parentos

Christmas Preparation - Step 3: Party with your friends.

We spent last Saturday afternoon with a group of friends who all, as of November 17, 2012, have kids!  Welcome, Henry Kastner Martinez!  He's gorgeous and has a fascinating head of hair.

Avery and Cole.  Avery is really into babies and jumped at the chance to hold this cutie!

I love this photo.  Happy kid (always) who loves to eat.
Stone, Morgan, Avery, Cole, PK and Cody.
Avery and Cody - adorbs.

Look at these two!
I swear he's eying the person behind me like that...not actually me.  (?!)

Love this group!

Christmas Preparation - Step 4: Make candy canes with Rice Crispies.

We are so in the Christmas spirit over here.

Christmas Preparation - Step 5: Try on all of your hats to make sure they still fit.

This is cuteness in your face!

What is it that made Avery lick Cole's head?  And, what was she thinking when she did it?!

Wednesday, December 12, 2012


We Simpsons dabble in yoga every now and then.  By "we Simpsons" I mean everyone on the Simpson side save Jeff.  I think he would like it (possibly) and it would help him become more flexible (definitely)...and might even help his back (possibly).  Maybe I should suggest yoga as his New Year's resolution?  Yeah, right.  The only way I see him getting into yoga is if a) there's a gun to his head or b) Avery bats her eyelashes and begins to wrap herself more tightly around his finger.

Downward dog...

If I was more of a frequent yoga-goer I would know this pose.  Gah! 

That tree pose is hard.  Good try, kid.

Riding a "tiger" at the local Christmas tree farm is all about being fierce.  Clearly.