Yes, it's true. The first time my daughter said the word "love" it was in regards to apple juice. If it wasn't so crazy hilarious I would have been seriously offended.
Avery drinks milk or water 90% of the time. It's only when we eat out, go to party or have a treat with Grandma and Papa that Avery is allowed to indulge her apparent love for the sweet juice.
For a treat one night after dinner last week we gave her a small cup of apple juice. She took one sip, looked up as if she saw Santa Claus and Elmo walking though the front door and screamed "I LOOOVE JJJUUUIIICCCEEE!"
Never once has she said anything like this, so her extremely enthusiastic "love" reference had us rolling on the floor.
You know what else has us rolling on the floor? Avery's mad jump roping skills.