Monday, December 19, 2011

Well, Hello There, Santa!

Avery has a new friend in town and he's a jolly old man with a big belly and a twinkle in his eye!  Don't be too concerned as I'm just talking about good ole Saint Nick!  We got Avery all ready for her big meet and greet by working on her "hi's" and "bye's" and making a list of everything she wants for Christmas.  Gotta love this the top of her list is that her parents get a night out...dinner (Italian) and a movie (Mission Impossible), to be exact.  Such a sweetie, this Avery.  (And, Santa better deliver - you don't want Avery to be disappointed.)

Here is Avery really nailing down her greetings in preparation for Santa-fest 2011...

And here comes Santa Claus, here comes Santa Claus right down Santa Claus Lane...
Avery did perfectly!  I am so proud of the big girl she is becoming.
Smiles, hand holding - two peas in a pod. 
A few updates in the world of Avery:
1) She is walking like a pro and is getting so fast that Jeff and I are having a hard time keeping up!  One of the cutest things in the world is walking her little diaper butt walk around.  She loves to carry a "purse" and tote it all around the house putting stuff in and taking stuff out.  We laugh and stare in parental awe at her everyday.

2) She is so funny and it's really starting to show how outgoing she is.  Strangers are always saying how happy and friendly she is and boy, that does so much for a mom's pride.  Believe me, she has her moments (like everyone does), but overall she is a cheerful, excited and super interactive little girl.

3) She is very smart and is really starting to understand so much of what we say (I need to start saying "shark," "sugar" or something in lieu of another word that starts with "s").  She knows where most of her body parts are (her belly button, or anyone's really, is her new favorite), she knows a lot of animal sounds and can say a variety of words with meaning.

4) She still loves books and if someone were to ask me what her favorite toy is, I would say toy shmoy, it's books!  She loves to read them with you or play/read with them by herself.  I truly hope that the enjoyment of reading is a lifelong passion and from the looks of things, I think it will be.

My dear precious, Avery, I love you through and through, yesterday, today and tomorrow too.


Like mother, like daughter.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

She's Awalkin' - Take 2!

Our "Avery's Walking" video is officially ready to be released!  Please note that not only can she walk really well, but she's so good at it that she can catch herself when the wobbles want to take her down.  (Additionally, please do not note that she is holding a plastic bag.  Oops.  Mommy fail #37.)

This girl could use a little personality.  =)