I am a very inquisitive person and love seeing how others think, so this book was right up my alley. (I am the person during the long car ride who poses endless "would you rather..." questions.) Anyways, Jeff and I took turns asking each other a question from the book and at one point my question to him was "What is the one thing in life you are most grateful for?" He responded, after thinking for a few minutes, with "the way I was raised." As corny as this is, I knew right then and there that he was going to be my husband and, truth be told (corny or not), the father of my children. See, if it were me who was asked that question I would have answered with the exact same response and I think it takes a very special person coming from a very special family to think that above all else in life that you are most thankful for being raised the way you were.
Jeff and I come from very loving, supportive, responsible and respectable families and owe so much of who we are today to them. Being parents is the world's best gift (see Dear Avery for more on that...) and if we raise Avery with only a smidgen of the wonderfulness that we received from our families, she is going to be one lucky little lady!!
The picture below was taken exactly one year ago; the day we told our parents that their babies were having a baby. I still get chills thinking about that day and all the excitement!
And finally, to cap off this "family" post, Jeff and I are going to take part in the funny picture time...
Some things never change...
A little backyard swingin' sans shirt does every body good.
With those two as my parents, life is going to be real fun!