Monday, December 19, 2011

Well, Hello There, Santa!

Avery has a new friend in town and he's a jolly old man with a big belly and a twinkle in his eye!  Don't be too concerned as I'm just talking about good ole Saint Nick!  We got Avery all ready for her big meet and greet by working on her "hi's" and "bye's" and making a list of everything she wants for Christmas.  Gotta love this the top of her list is that her parents get a night out...dinner (Italian) and a movie (Mission Impossible), to be exact.  Such a sweetie, this Avery.  (And, Santa better deliver - you don't want Avery to be disappointed.)

Here is Avery really nailing down her greetings in preparation for Santa-fest 2011...

And here comes Santa Claus, here comes Santa Claus right down Santa Claus Lane...
Avery did perfectly!  I am so proud of the big girl she is becoming.
Smiles, hand holding - two peas in a pod. 
A few updates in the world of Avery:
1) She is walking like a pro and is getting so fast that Jeff and I are having a hard time keeping up!  One of the cutest things in the world is walking her little diaper butt walk around.  She loves to carry a "purse" and tote it all around the house putting stuff in and taking stuff out.  We laugh and stare in parental awe at her everyday.

2) She is so funny and it's really starting to show how outgoing she is.  Strangers are always saying how happy and friendly she is and boy, that does so much for a mom's pride.  Believe me, she has her moments (like everyone does), but overall she is a cheerful, excited and super interactive little girl.

3) She is very smart and is really starting to understand so much of what we say (I need to start saying "shark," "sugar" or something in lieu of another word that starts with "s").  She knows where most of her body parts are (her belly button, or anyone's really, is her new favorite), she knows a lot of animal sounds and can say a variety of words with meaning.

4) She still loves books and if someone were to ask me what her favorite toy is, I would say toy shmoy, it's books!  She loves to read them with you or play/read with them by herself.  I truly hope that the enjoyment of reading is a lifelong passion and from the looks of things, I think it will be.

My dear precious, Avery, I love you through and through, yesterday, today and tomorrow too.


Like mother, like daughter.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

She's Awalkin' - Take 2!

Our "Avery's Walking" video is officially ready to be released!  Please note that not only can she walk really well, but she's so good at it that she can catch herself when the wobbles want to take her down.  (Additionally, please do not note that she is holding a plastic bag.  Oops.  Mommy fail #37.)

This girl could use a little personality.  =)

Friday, November 18, 2011

Time to Push!

Anyone who has been around kids long enough knows that they go through a lot of phases along the way of growing up.  Things that they want to do over and over again that are, to us adults, a little odd
and a lot funny. Avery has been through the climbing up stairs phase, the climbing down stairs phase (yes, this was different than the climbing up stairs phase) and the pick up everything you can
see and try to hold it all at the same time phase, to name a few.

Most recently, she has entered the push phase. Can't quite picture what I'm talking about? Just check out these videos...

"Target Shopper"
Do you want me to start taking pictures of YOU in the bath?!


Saturday, October 29, 2011

Walking Wobbles

This video isn't quite what Jeff and I originally envisioned it would be (Avery walking), but it may be one of the funniest videos I have ever seen, so we just had to share.  Hopefully I'll have a real "Avery walking" video soon!  Until then, enjoy this amazing toddler action...


Jeff made me put this onsie on her.  He begged and pleaded, so finally I just gave in.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Lucky Number 13!

She's awalkin'!  Yup, that's right.  Avery decided the perfect day to take her first unassisted steps was on her 13th month birthday!  I was near tears with excitement when my parents (who watch Avery on Mondays and Thursdays) showed me what she learned with them that day.  My little girl is growing up and I'm loving every moment of it!  (Actually, I could do without her ants-in-your-pants dance moves while I'm changing her diaper.  Clean and quick diaper changes are more of a rarity than I would like these days.) 

Here's a rundown of a few other exciting things that have happened since her first birthday...

A trip to Palm Springs with Jeff's parents, sister and her husband.  It was a fun (and hot!) getaway for all of us and I am proud to say that Avery was phenomenal the entire trip.  Sleeping in a new place, eating out at restaurants and meeting new people didn't faze her in the least.  She was the perfect angel who is proving to be easy-going and very social.  See Exhibits A & B below, which were taken during dinner one night on our vacation:

Next up on the calendar of events was daddy and daughter weekend while I enjoyed some girlfriend, back to Palm Springs I trekked with some of my favorite ladies!  Jeff did an outstanding job with Avery and even had a sleep over at the Goad's place with Garrett and Quinn since mommy Amanda was with me.  How I would have loved to have been a fly on the wall during that baby adventure!  I wish I had a picture to share, but watching little ones doesn't leave much time for a camera sesh, says the husband.

On to the Pumpkin Patch!  The Simpson family loves them some pumpkins!

"I love me some pumpkins!"
Avery and her enablers.
Baby in a wagon with a pumpkin at a pumpkin patch.  Check.
Someone was a little "pumpkined out."
 And finally, some playground time on a lazy Sunday a tutu, of course.


Hey, mom...why don't you put down the camera and hand me the wrench?

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Happy Birthday, Baby!

The weekend of Avery's birthday was a whirlwind and a wonderful whirlwind at that!  We started off on the eve of Avery's birthday with a trip to Costco, which is a fun place for baby and parents alike.

A large bin of over-sized pillows is a great place to stick a baby.
On the morning of the 24th, after Jeff and I reminisced about where we were one year ago and how big our baby had become, we went into the birthday girl's room to start showering her with birthday love.  We opened some family gifts and Avery immediately fell in love her new favorite toy...a walker!

Beautiful birthday girl!
We took Avery to Soup Plantation for lunch where she fell in love with the cute young buser and decided that following him around the room was exactly what she wanted to do for her birthday.  That's my girl! 

After lunch we ran a few errands, played with Grandpa Wayne and took a nice walk around our neighborhood with Auntie Julie and Auntie Laura (Auntie Julie lives in San Francisco so it was a real special treat having her here!).  It was a very sweet and relaxing day for our one year old...and I'm glad it was, because the next day was Avery's big party!

But we'll get to that in a minute...

Before the birthday celebrations began on the 25th, Avery, Julie and I went to Oceanside to witness (and support) our friend, Laura, as she ran into the freezing 7:30 a.m. ocean waters and proceeded to swim 2.4 miles with a bunch of other ocean-lovers.  All of us on the sand thought "are they nuts?!"  Laura may be nuts, but she loves all things ocean and it showed when the results came back and she got 34th overall and 3rd in her division. 

Now, onto the party!  40 of our closest friends and family were able to join us on this special day, and Jeff and I are thankful for each and every one of them.  We definitely missed our friends and family who were not able to make it, but this kind of thing is exactly what this blog is for.

Here are some pictures from the day...

It's my birthday!!
The Soup Plantation buser is so old news.
Bring on the cake.  Bring on the presents.  I'm ready!
I'll spell it out for you: Avery is one.

Looking at something awesome, I presume.  And, being real cute...both of them.
Taking a stroll with Auntie Lindsay.
Cake time.  She LOVED it!
Too busy eating caking to smile for the camera.  Don't worry, mommy and daddy have this one covered.
I think she could get used to this "birthday" thing.

Avery Elizabeth, as I tell you every day, I love you so very, very much.  You are a wonderful daughter and a sweet little girl.  You make me laugh, you make me smile and you make me the happiest mommy in the world just by being you. 


Totally cake wasted.

Friday, September 23, 2011

One Year Ago Today...

...I was very pregnant.

The video below was taken a mere 22 hours before the arrival of Avery Elizabeth.  We had just gotten a video camera from our good friends, Erin and Jake, and were playing around with it the evening before our daughter's debut. 

Two funny things to look out for...1) me asking Jeff at one point in the video, "Can you see my belly?"  Well, duh.  He's five feet away pointing the camera at me and I am three days away from my due date, so yes, he, along with everyone else, can probably see my belly.  2) Belle was acting a little odd, distant if you will, the few days prior to Avery's arrival.  I wonder if she sensed that her world was about to change...for. ev. er.

I still can't believe that my itty bitty baby is going to be one tomorrow, but I'll get into that another time, in another post as I can't even begin to wrap my head around that today.

For now, I'll leave you with FPT and a quick update on the ever-expanding vocabulary of Avery.  Her new word is "up."  For the past few days most times when you pick her up, she will say "upppppp."  She really pronounces her "p's," that little one.  And, it's unbelievably cute.

Just a little something to get you in the mood for fall...

Thursday, September 15, 2011

What Does the Doggie Say?

As I mentioned in my last post, Avery knows what sound a dog makes and does her own version of a woof.  After weeks of barking like a dog day in and day out myself, I am very excited it finally caught on...I was starting to get hoarse...or should I say horse?!  Ha!  Yes, she can do that sound too.  Look for that video in a future post titled "What Does the Horse Say?"

Anyways, our neighbor's dog was barking during dinner last night (you can hear it in the background if you listen closely) and Avery started barking.  Ahhhhhh!!  So cute!

Yup.  She's that cute and she loves walks this much.

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Time Flies When You're Having Fun

If you asked Avery what she thought of when she heard the word "summer," she would say spending time with friends, being outside, chillin' with family and playing in the pool.  Seeing as all she can say at this point, in addition to baby babble, is "mama," "dada," "Belle," and "woof" (the last two don't come out exactly like I typed, but we know what she is trying to say and she's so darn close), I thought I'd help her along and share some recent photos showing what she wish she could say...

Tait time at the Del Mar races.  Horses, people watching and a cute boy?!  Yes, please!
Stone Brewery with the Goads.  Quinn, we are going to be a force to be reckoned with.  I love ya, babe! 
Don't mind us...we're just talking it out, baby-style.  Oh, the things we have in store for our parents...!
On our morning walk around the hood.  And yes, my feet are funnier than anything my mom could say to get my attention.
After a long day of swimming and eating at the family BBQ, nothing sounds better than some R&R with GramCin.
Blowing bubbles in the pool with Laura! I LOVE SUMMER!
Needless to say, we're having a great time and it's surreal to think that summer rounds out Avery's first year!  Her first birthday is in just under four weeks.  What?!  The cliche "time flies when you're having fun" is so true! 

For FPT (Funny Picture Time) this time around, I am going to share some pictures and a video of my other baby.  No, not Jeff.  Belmont!  Belle is the best cat ever and I'm not just saying that because she's ours...she truly is the best cat.  In addition to her millions of great qualities, she's really social, really loving and funny as they come!  Welcome to the world of Belle!

Such a model pose.
Apparently, this is comfy.  She does this all the time.
Apparently, this is comfy too.
Helping me read through my maternity books last year.
Giving Avery her first cat hug.  Once Avery stops chasing her and pulling her tail, she'll start giving them again.

Okay, so I just read through this post and realized I seem like an obsessed crazy cat person.  I swear I'm not.  I just really love our cat..and would do anything for her...and would run away with her if she ever asked and...

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Guess Who Is Expecting...

Nooooo, I'm not pregnant again!  Are you crazy?!

My brother, Brennan, and his wife, Michel, are due February 1, 2012!  Jeff, Avery and I couldn't be more excited for the arrival of this new addition to our family and know, without a doubt, that Bren and Michel are going to be amazing parents.  Avery is especially thrilled for this new little one, because it will be her very first cousin!!

The parents-to-be holding Avery when she was just a few days old.  You guys are naturals! 

On another front, I embarrassingly admit that I forgot to mention some exciting news coming from the Simpson household...Miss Avery is crawling!  I doubt this is surprising seeing as she'll be 11 months old on Wednesday, but nonetheless, I failed to mention this during the last few posts, so I decided better late than never.   She actually took her first "crawls" during our trip back east (on the 4th of July to be exact) and mastered the new skill within days of us being home.  Now, she is crawling as fast as lightning and ascending the stairs like a master-climber.  It's absolutely adorable watching her little tush crawl around our house. 

Oh, and she also has learned to clap...even does it on command.  I know, I know, she's amazing.  :-)

Funny video time...

Friday, August 5, 2011

Wait Just One Second!

Avery, when did you get to be such a little girl?? 

 (And, where are my chunk-a-cheeks going?!)

Because I have to stick with tradition even on a short post like this...
A much younger chunk-a-cheek showing she's clearly not amused.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Helloooooo, Family!

Time for a recap of our amazing family trip to New England.  Get excited, this is going to be fun!

First off, Avery Elizabeth did an outstanding job on the plane flights.  As you may know, to fly from San Diego to Providence, Rhode Island isn't all that air time is roughly 5.5 hours.  That's a lot of time to be stuck on a plane, let alone stuck on a plane with a baby.  I was really anxious the week before our flight and had unlimited daymares about various catastrophes, but Avery, the flight itself (I don't love flying in general), and I exceeded every expectation!  (We had one 5 minute crying --screaming-- spell on the flight back to San Diego and I was handling it as best I could until I got a dirty look from an old maid one row up.  I was about to throw her through a window, but Jeff held me back.  Needless to say, she got an earful and the last hour of the flight was a little awkward, but no one messes with me or my family, especially after a long day of just trying to make it home.)

Our expert flyer!
The first full day out there was the 4th of July...and the day we celebrated my Grandma's 80th birthday!

So patriotic, Miss Elizabeth!
You make 80 look so good!
Chatting away with Great-Great Aunt Marie!

The next two days included walks around my Grandma's neighborhood, a dip in the Atlantic and lots of visiting with family that we don't see nearly enough.

Thanks, Cousin Joey, for letting us borrow your stroller!
Beautiful sunset in Narragansett...
BBQ with the Caparcos!
Pacific Ocean, now Atlantic Ocean...what's next?!
I had to include this one, because Avery's expression is priceless!
Outdoor shower?  Awesome!
One of the bigger events of the week was my Aunt's wedding on Friday.  In order to do things right, we had a little bachelorette party the night before...and it was so much fun to celebrate my beautiful aunt and spend time with all the girls! 

Bride = hottie in the glasses
Jeff and I had a parents-night-out for the wedding while Avery played with cousins!

On Saturday we drove to Western Massachusetts to spend time with my mom's family.  It was a short but very sweet trip!
Great food, great family and... yup, great photo! 
As you can tell, it was such a great visit and I look forward to seeing everyone again really soon!

This is the house where Bren and I grew up!
Wait, is that Grandpa or an M&M with arms?!
Goodbye photo-op with Great-Grandma
Lots of kisses from Auntie!

Funny picture time...

I'm not sure what's going on here, but it sure is cute.
 Bonus picture...because Avery has lots of priceless expressions...

Can we say "family Christmas card?!"