Sunday, November 28, 2010

Baby's First Thanksgiving!

Jeff, Av and I spent the holiday at GramCin and Grandpa's place with a house full of relatives.  From the paparazzi shots for our holiday card to the visit with the Orthmeyers to catching up with family and the delicious dinner, the day was just as perfect as we hoped. I do, however, want to send a shout out to those wonderful people who helped settle Av down when she realized she was a wee bit overtired and overstimulated.

Here are a few pictures from the day:

And, seeing that Avery is the first baby (Grandchild, Niece, Second Cousin and Great Niece included) for both families, she is very loved and well, everyone just can't get enough... I got a little bit on video, because it was just too funny not to share...

I hope you all had a wonderful holiday with those you love and that you took time to be thankful for all that you have.

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Back to the Blog!

I am making an early New Year's resolution to get better with blogging.  Since so many friends and family are on facebook I got lazy and started leaning heavily on that site missing the true meaning of this blog, which is to share moments and stories on a more intimate level with those I love.  I have to offer most of the credit for this realization to my good friends, Megan Cotugno and Amanda Goad.  Megan has been blogging about her adorable little boy for over 18 months now (she recently found out she's pregnant with son #2, so her blog is going to get even more exciting to follow!) and Amanda started a blog a few weeks ago to share her journey throughout babyhood and beyond as she is pregnant with her first child!

With all this talk about New Years and babies it gets me thinking about how fast this year has gone... well, what it really gets me thinking about is how fast this year has gone since Avery's arrival!  Thanksgiving was just a few days ago and in just a few frenzy-filled weeks of shopping and parties it will be Christmas and my baby will be 3 months old!! 

Speaking of time flying, here's a picture of Avery last week when she turned a whopping 2 months old!