Jeff, Av and I spent the holiday at GramCin and Grandpa's place with a house full of relatives. From the paparazzi shots for our holiday card to the visit with the Orthmeyers to catching up with family and the delicious dinner, the day was just as perfect as we hoped. I do, however, want to send a shout out to those wonderful people who helped settle Av down when she realized she was a
wee bit overtired and overstimulated.
Here are a few pictures from the day:
And, seeing that Avery is the first baby (Grandchild, Niece, Second Cousin and Great Niece included) for both families, she is very loved and well, everyone just can't get enough... I got a little bit on video, because it was just too funny not to share...
I hope you all had a wonderful holiday with those you love and that you took time to be thankful for all that you have.